Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer

Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer
Do you dream of being a great lawyer? Then read Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer by John Grisham. Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer is about a kid named Theodore Boone who is 12 years old and wants to be a great lawyer or a great judge (He wants to be someone who deals with the law). Both of his parents, Marcella Boone and Woods Boone, are lawyers and they work at their own company, Boone and Boone.
Theodore Boone is not a normal kid. Instead of playing sports and messing around after school he goes straight to the courthouse.
Then a murder trial takes place.
Theodore Boone follows the trial very closely. Every day after school he goes to the courthouse and watches the murder trial. Theodore is also such good friends with the judge that he gets permission for his whole government class to come watch one day of the trial.
As soon as the trial is almost over and the man that supposedly killed his wife is set free an unknown witness catches the eye of Theodore.
The witness could have a big impact on the trial. Theodore talks to the witness and the witness refuses to come forward and testify for a certain reason.
I liked the book because it was action packed and very suspenseful. It kept me guessing what was going to happen next.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes action packed stories that make you wanting to keep turning the pages. I guarantee that you will love Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer by John Grisham.


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