Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Making A New Word

Making a New Word

By Connor
Do you ever dream of making a new word? Then read Friendle by Andrew Clements. It’s about a boy who decides to make a new word. His language arts teacher doesn’t like him making the new word, but it was all her fault. She made him write a paper on the dictionary. They ended up fighting about the word. A news reporter went to the school to ask questions. He got on the news. Years later he received something, at first not knowing what it was. I enjoyed this book a lot. It was funny. I recommend this book to you.


  1. good job talking only about the good stuff and not trying to write every detail

  2. I read that book and you did an awsome job telling a little of the discription!

  3. @abby You're write That is definitely how we know that it is a good review!
