Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11 Birthdays

Have you ever had a fight with your friend that caused a day to repeat until you make up? Well that’s what happened to two friends, Amanda and Leo in 11 Birthdays. On their tenth birthday they got in a huge fight. They weren’t friends all because Leo said mean things about Amanda just to impress his friends that birthday. But there next birthday things got a little twisted. It was the first year they hadn’t had their parties together so they felt like something was missing at their party. As the next day came along…… well, let’s just say there wasn’t a next day. Their birthday kept repeating and repeating. They went through trouble times and risky things but will it be enough for their birthday to finally end? Find out in this amazing, exciting, adventurous book called 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass. I really enjoyed it and I hope you will too!



  1. Taylor,
    I love your book recomendation. I would like to read 11 Birthdays soon. It seems to me like it's a really good book. Good job. Your Friend,

  2. I have read 11 birthdays and I totally agree I love it! In your idea of it I want to read it again!

  3. I wonder what happens next! I should really try reading it because it sounds just like the kind of book I like! Especially the repeating the birthday until they join together. It is like a mystery and adventure all joined together!

  4. wow that sounds like a great book good word chose

  5. dear Taylor,

    Hi my name is Miranda. Guess what Im in the same grade.My taecher knows Ms.hayes.So he showed me your blog. I absolutly love your blog.

    I've read the book.You did the best out of the book reports Ive ever read. I love your book report because the way you explaind the book.You gave just the right amount of info about the book. people will definetly read 11 Birthdays.I would totaly read the book,after of course I fineshed reading your blog.
    - Miranda

  6. Dear Taylor
    Hi my name is Juliette i live in the lake of the ozarks,and im in forth grade my teacher knows Mrs.Hayes my teacher showed us our blog and yours caught my attention because on Amandas and leos tenth party they got into a huge fight and so that caught my attention and so i like drama and i realy like your blog
