Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Doll in the Garden

Doll in the garden
This book is great its about 2 best or worse freinds they get along but one makes a real big mistake and that causes a big time action to happen with ghost crying and a freaky cat that leads them to another world read ans find out  what the doll had to do with this story with lot of sadness.

                                                                      -Connor S
P.S don't read this as a bed time story OK this is going to give kids nightmares!!!!!!! Why?????? READ IT FIRST!!!


  1. I like how you put read it befor thay asked for kids not to read it


  2. Good job on explaining the story


  3. I think you did a great job on explaning what it was about and make sure you read it over 2 times p.s I won't read it at night

