Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hank Zipzer Help! Somebody Get Me Out of Fourth Grade

Have you ever been the world's underachiever? I bet not but I know who is! A boy named Hank Zipzer. When Hank is thinking about fifth grade! Oh no! When he looks in his teacher's binder that has the grades it says REDO! The night he gets home he is listening to the radio with his friends he hears that you can win two Stone Cold Rock concert tickets,and ends up winning them. The next night when Hank was eating dinner he cranked up a Stone Cold Rock song to get his parents to like Stone Cold Rock. Hank ended doing all of this so his parents couldn't go to parent teacher conferences so they can't find out that he is going to be held back. What does it all mean? Even more what does the REDO mean!

By: Josh P.

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