Friday, December 16, 2011

Leap Day

Have you ever wanted to be born on a Leap Day? Well Josie Taylor is. Today is here "4th" (16th) birthday. Since a Leap Day only comes around every four years. Also in this book you get to see every one's  point of view while also seeing from Josie. This book is takes you on many adventures such as her driver's test and the sophomore scavenger hunt. That is all I can say before I tell you too much. I would definitely say Leap Day by: Wendy Mass is one of my favorites!  

- Malori


  1. I am reading that book too! I would definetley agree about everything you are saying. Are there any other books you would reccomend by Wendy Mass? She sounds like a wonderful author. Thanks for writing the book report!!

  2. @Maya. Yes I would recomend 11 birthdays. I am right now reading Finally( another one of her amazing books!) But, she has even more like 13 gifts. WEndy Mass likes to write about birthdays so if you like Leap Day I am almost positive you'll like the rest!

  3. @malori you explained it so well i probley will check it out. good job on only putting the important stuff on their awesome job
